Detail from the Gobelin, tapestry “Avbrutt - Tilhørighet 1” by Ingunn Skogholt

Ingunn Skogholt

Avbrutt tilhørighet / Taktile fortolkninger
Gobelin, tapestry, and collages, paper work

21.4.2022 - 29.5.2022
Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway

This is a detail from one of the gobelins, tapestries that Ingunn Skogholt will show on her upcoming solo exhibition “Avbrutt tilhørighet / Taktile fortolkninger” at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo, opening on the 21st of April, 2022 at 18:00, until the 29th of May.

In the exhibition “Avbrutt tilhørighet / Taktile fortolkninger” Ingunn Skogholt shows a series of collages together with six gobelins, tapestries.

Through her work, she examines belonging or an experience of lack of belonging. The qualities of the yarn deepens and expands the visual language. Ingunn Skogholt works alternately with the collages and with the tapestries. The collages become independent works at the same time as they can be considered as sketches that are interpreted in the loom. She composes as she works, and the abstract and personal motifs appear intuitive.

The choice of yarn defines the translation from collage to gobelin, tapestry, and the details appear in the process. Ingunn Skogholt dyes the yarn herself and has a strong relationship with the colours. A desire to express the power and significance of colour is a driving force, and she often immerses herself in one colour theme over a period of time. In this way, she is able to create complex compositions where subtle colour shifts create space in the surface, or as the title suggests - tactile interpretations - of a room, a colour or a state.

Kunstnerforbundet, Kjeld Stubs gate 3, 0160 Oslo, Norway

Tuesday-Friday, 11:00-17:00, Saturday-Sunday, 12:00-16:00, Mondays closed