Tapestry/gobelin “Elements of passion II“, 162 x 155 cm, one of the works that were exhibited.
Elements of Deep Pink and Berlin Blue
Ingunn Skogholt
and Anders Kjellesvik joint exhibition
Ingunn Skogholt exhibited a tapestry/gobelin, and collages
03.11.2023 - 26.11.2023
Gallery KÖSK, Bjørvika, Oslo, Norway
About the exhibition
Excerpts taken and translated from text written by Elna Hagemann at Gallery KÖSK
In the works of Ingunn Skogholt and Anders Kjellesvik, there is room for moments of loss in something that is serious, but at the same time open and caring. You are invited into inner, messy rooms and out into frozen blue landscapes; both with a visual playfulness and strength that gives clarity and warmth to tired thoughts and cold bodies.
Both artists work abstractly with layers upon layers of materials and colors that create layers upon layers of both surfaces and meaning.
For Skogholt, the production of collages serves as a break to work more spontaneously and intuitively in the periods between each large tapestry she creates. The tapestries are made of wool, linen, cotton and synthetic material and produced over endless hours.
Above is the tapestry/gobelin “Elements of passion II“, 162 x 155 cm, one of the works that were exhibited.
Please see below for all of the works that Ingunn Skogholt exhibited.
You are welcome to contact Ingunn Skogholt by email i-skogho(at)online.no or the gallery for more information about the exhibition, her work, and about works for sale.